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13 years ago

">http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/a0da228beb3a188c21258d271fd88223.jpg" border="0"/>


13 years ago
Pyari si "RAAT" me. Pyare se "ANDHERE" me. Pyari si "NEEND" me. Pyare se "SAPNO" me. Pyare se, "APNO" ko. Pyara sa "GOOD NIGHT''...
13 years ago

">http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lodtqtZkpe1qch80ro1_500.jpg" border="0"/>


13 years ago
Good noon too i'm fine thanks n u???
13 years ago
mEaNinGfuL lInEs aBoUt lOvE 'LoVe mEaNs tO CoMmIt oNeSeLf wItHoUt gUaRaNtEe, To gIvE OnEsElF CoMpLeTeLy iN ThE HoPe tHaT OuR LoVe wIlL PrOdUcE LoVe iN ThE LoVeD PeRsOn. LoVe iS An aCt oF FaItH, aNd wHoEvEr iS Of lItTlE FaItH Is aLsO Of lItTlE LoVe...' hAvE TeRrIfIc nIgHt wItH LoVe dEaR fridEnD
13 years ago

">http://dl7.glitter-graphics.net/pub/706/706287isbesoi4u7.gif" border="0"/>

13 years ago
A TrUe fRiEnD UnDeRsTaNdS WhEn yOu sAy, “i fOrGoT…” WaItS FoReVeR WhEn yOu sAy, “1 mInUtE…” StAyS WhEn yOu sAy, “lEaVe mE AlOnE…” AnD OpEnS ThE DoOr, EvEn bEfOrE YoU KnOcK… a tRuE FrIeNd iS SoMeOnE WhO ReAcHeS FoR YoUr hAnD AnD ToUcHeS YoUr hEaRt. HaPpY FrIeNdShIp dAy!!bro how many offer you got ha
13 years ago
TaKe sOmE TiMe tO SmIlE WhEn yOu aRe sAd... To rEsT WhEn yOu aRe tIrEd... To lOvE If yOu aRe... FeElInG EmPtY AnD To lEt gO If yOu nEeD To... TiMe eNdUrEs, TiMe hEaLs... In tHiS LiFe , jUsT TaKe sOmE TiMe fOr yOuRsElF... GuT NiGhT...
13 years ago
F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P Is tHe bOnD WhEn tHe tIeS BeTwEeN TwO CaNnOt bE WoRn wHeRe sElFiShNeSs iS OuT Of qUeStIoN AnD EmOtIoN Is aN ArT Of dEvOtIoN A GoOd fRiEnD Is lIkE A LiGhT HoUsE It dOeSnT RiNg bElLs FiRe gUnS To cAlL AtTeNtIoN WhEn yOu aRe lOsT... It sImPlY StAnDs tAlL AnD ShInEs… 'HaPpY FrIeNdShIp dAy' To yOu dEaR...
13 years ago
">http://data.whicdn.com/images/12332815/tumblr_lna43byN611qal8meo1_500_large.jpg?1311419334" border="0"/>
">http://data.whicdn.com/images/12562301/tumblr_lp134fwt2h1r0pj8ao1_500_large.png?1311831755" border="0"/>

. . .
13 years ago
'eVeN A HaPpY LiFe cAnNoT Be wItHoUt a mEaSuRe oF DaRkNeSs, AnD ThE WoRd hApPy wOuLd lOsE ItS MeAnInG If iT WeRe nOt bAlAnCeD By sAdNeSs. It iS FaR BeTtEr tAkE ThInGs aS ThEy cOmE AlOnG WiTh pAtIeNcE AnD EqUaNiMiTy..' GoOd moRnG.
13 years ago
i'm gut dear..thanx
13 years ago
Thanks for the visit,stranger !

Have a peaceful day.!!
-S. A. Saifi
13 years ago

good morning

have a beautiful day

take care

13 years ago
'yOuR LiViNg iS DeTeRmInEd nOt sO MuCh bY WhAt lIfE BrInGs tO YoU As bY ThE AtTiTuDe yOu bRiNg tO LiFe; NoT So mUcH By wHaT HaPpEnS To yOu aS By tHe wAy yOuR MiNd lOoKs aT WhAt hApPeNs...' - pEaCeFuL NiGhT To mY DeAr...
13 years ago

Good Evening


13 years ago
SoMe OnE SaY ThAt lOvE Is nOnSeNs,,, i tElL YoU... 'It iS No sUcH ThInG. fOr wEeKs aNd mOnThS It iS A StEaDy pHySiCaL aNd mEnTaL PaIn, An aChE AbOuT ThE HeArT, nEvEr lEaViNg oNe, By nIgHt oR By dAy; A LoNg sTrAiN On oNes nErVeS LiKe tOoThAcHe oR RhEuMaTiSm, NoT InToLeRaBlE At aNy oNe iNsTaNt, BuT ExHaUsTiNg bY ItS StEaDy dRaIn oN ThE StReNgTh...' gOoD MoRnInNg dEaR...
13 years ago
'aS YoU ThInK.. YoU TrAvEl,, aNd aS YoU LoVe,, yOu aTtRaCt.. yOu aRe tOdAy wHeRe yOuR ThOuGhTs hAvE BrOuGhT YoU; yOu wIlL Be tOmOrRoW WhErE YoUr tHoUgHtS TaKe yOu...'WiShInG GoOd MoRnInG aNd aTtItUdE DaY...
13 years ago
ThErE iS aLwAys a rEaSoN foR eVeRytHinG: A rEaSoN tO Live,,, A rEaSoN tO diE,,, A rEaSoN tO cRy,,, BuT iF u cAn’t finD a rEaSoN tO SmiLe,,, CaN I bE thE rEaSoN foR a whiLe??? golden">http://www.graphics18.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/funny-picturesgraphics-for-orkut-hi5-25.jpg" border="0"/>golden urinesweet">http://www.graphics18.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/funny-picturesgraphics-for-orkut-hi5-96.jpg" border="0"/>sweet kid!
13 years ago
">http://www.commenthaven.com/glitter/zimg/5/z4de2056281a89.gif" border="0"/>

">http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/0439420fb81f17c325d0bd46d250d0c8.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://zsoka56.hu/honlapok/diszek/ezustok/ezustok83.gif" border="0"/>

">http://zsoka56.hu/honlapok/csajoskepek/nagygif/nagygif91.gif" border="0"/>

">http://zsoka56.hu/honlapok/diszek/ezustok/ezustok83.gif" border="0"/>

">http://zsoka56.hu/honlapok/diszek/ezustok/ezustok83.gif" border="0"/>

">http://picfor.bildero.net/0015048A9/eva54-lila-glitters_large.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://zsoka56.hu/honlapok/diszek/ezustok/ezustok83.gif" border="0"/>

">http://zsoka56.hu/honlapok/diszek/ezustok/ezustok83.gif" border="0"/>

">http://img.spicecomments.com/glitters/00368.gif" border="0"/>

">http://www.commenthaven.com/glitter/zimg/8/z4dedfb5319438.gif" border="0"/>

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