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13 years ago
Some romantic countries mean:
H.O.L.L.A.N.D: Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies.
I.T.A.L.Y: I Trust And Love You.
L.I.B.I.Y.A: Love Is Beautiful You Also.
And our INDIA: I'll Never Do It Again.
But my favorite is F.R.A.N.C.E -
Friendships Rocks And Never Comes To An End..HAVE A NICE SUNDAY
13 years ago
m cambodian.nice u meet u!indian boy..
13 years ago
ab poison nahi rha
13 years ago
Bebodreamworld2 Present.... OWNSKIN ICON OF THE WEEK... THE 4th OWNSKIN ICON OF THE WEEK WINNER IS......... SANASANA2.....
13 years ago
thank for what?...um,what's ur nationality?
13 years ago
y are u had ur life?some 1 2 live but no chance..ur brain irrecular.
13 years ago
"The essence of friendship is not the smile & gestures we give, but a feeling when you discover that someone believes in you & willing to trust. .!" keep smiling
13 years ago
GoOd mOrNiNg... Hv A sWeEt...Nd LoVeLy.....DaY...TaKe">http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQANeH7hafCAIjBrMV7SSm3F_61Fag2XksIqqMDAPmVpLK5ZiOPxt08Gg" border="0"/>TaKe CArE...
13 years ago
"hear, and forget.. see, and remember... do,and understand..."


Never give up the right to be wrong, because then we will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with our lives. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.

have a good day and be blessed!


Take care
13 years ago

">http://img864.imageshack.us/img864/9020/2fishingheartphotograph.jpg" border="0"/>

Never should our love be just a word

A passing phrase, a brief emotion

It should be an attitude, a prayer

Love is good will for the gain of another

It always gives unconditionally..

And never runs out of patience..


God bless

Take care
13 years ago

">http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx333/anodz/desert_flower.jpg" border="0"/>

The sun that hardens clay to brick
Can soften wax to shape and mold
So too life's trials will harden some
While others purify gold
So everytime life presses us too hard,
the weaker we feel, the harder we have to lean on God

Just a thought

God bless
">http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/8312/happy1m.jpg" border="0"/>
do always smile as you mean it
Take care

13 years ago
">http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab265/weltenbummler1949/Coffee%20tea%20and%20sweets/GoodMorningCoffee.gif" border="0"/> keep smiling
13 years ago
hiiiiiii jin
13 years ago
Take time to smile when we're sad,
To rest when we’re tired,
To love if we’re feeling empty,
And to "LET GO" if we need to.
Time endures;
Time heals,
In this life.
Take time for ourselves..

Let be God our strength

God bless

Take care
13 years ago
bebodreamworld2.. Presents..Ownskin Icon of the week... If u want to become Ownskin Icon Of the week... Then register your name.. You just hv 2 write ur id name nd city on bebodreamworld2 Guest book.. Registeration lines are open till wednesday 12.am... So rigester ur name hurry!!
13 years ago
">http://www.hotglitters.net/import/graphics/day/sweet-day.gif" border="0"/> hope that you are fine
13 years ago

">http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/4236/coloredflowers.jpg" border="0"/>

Have you ever wondered, how bees take nectar and make it into honey,
How trees are made into paper, and paper into money.
How we can feel, but can't see a breeze.
How the sun is so far away, yet we feel the heat,

How a little bird knows how to fly when it leaves the nest,
How dreams are allowed in our minds to creep.

How our emotions are stirred and we can cry,
How we suddenly become happy and the tears are dried.

How we seem to be 'oh so fine,'
...and instantly we can be half out of our mind.
How one day you have a friend, and one day you don't..

How sometimes people help you, and sometimes they won't.
How by hands of a clock moving, time goes by.
How peace is said to come from within.
If you have ever wondered and asked why,
The answer lies alone with the Maker in the sky.

Just wondering....Have you ever wondered?


God bless

Take care

13 years ago
Jin bhaiya ji. Akhir kaar apne vote kr hi diya. Thank you
13 years ago
">http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/7282/84550814.jpg" border="0"/>

Across the miles
You touched my life,
Opened my eyes, and
Filled my empty heart-

Strangers, yet one,
Our spirits reach out,
Always touching, never apart- -

You in the east,
Me in the west,
Never together,
Never apart- -

God bless!
*keep smiling*


Take care
13 years ago
john cenaa..NEVER GIVE UP...........
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