I'm so sorry dear i'm late i'm so happy that you remind me you are my sweet fiend Sweet night and sweet dreams for my sweet friend. From ur salty friend
I'm so sorry dear i'm late i'm so happy that you remind me you are my sweet fiend Sweet night and sweet dreams for my sweet friend. From ur salty friend
">http://lh6.ggpht.com/_iGcEe9rNpok/Stow8klFprI/AAAAAAAAANQ/2G_dXw8S_V0/s800/scarlett%20johansson%2004.bel.jpg" border="0"/> Life gave each of us many charms: Accept the differences. Power Sharing. To love and be loved. To forgive and be forgiven. And I could always count with a Special Friend! Lots of light! ">http://lh6.google.com/_MjzDJibLfYI/R5DnnvgDWvI/AAAAAAAAAPg/U2hKe1d0BR8/s400/candys73bu9.gif" border="0"/>
'I knw lot of people hate me bcuz ,Dey think that i am bad But few people surely luv me bcuz, Dey know that my little goodness is not fake..' â¬Dropsâ¬s.