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12 years ago
Cute line for Spcl frnd
"I m not a pencil to write ur happiness .
But I will be a nice rubber to erase all your sadness

Good Night Dear
Take Care
12 years ago
If u find ur world as a sky

and ur friends as STARS,..

and if U don’t find me

among them, dont worrry!

I’ve just been fallen to

make ur wish come true...!
GOod Night
Have a Sweet Dreamzz..
12 years ago
A Heart Beat Is Excited More

When Eyes Start Looking At Someone Silently...


Life Seems To Be More Exciting..

When Someone Start Reading Those Eyes Silently.. !

♡GOod MorNinG♡
HaVe A Great DaY..
12 years ago
A boy n a girl were playing together. The boy had a collection of marbles. The girl had some sweets with her.

The boy told the girl that he will give her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets. The girl agreed.

The boy kept the biggest'n the most beautiful marble aside n gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets as she had promised.

That night the girl slept peacefully. But the boy couldnt sleep as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had hidden his best marble.


If you dont give your hundred percent in a relationship you ll always keep doubting if the other person has given his/her hundred percent...
Good Night
12 years ago
HATE has 4 letters, but so does LOVE..

ENEMIES has 7, but so does FRIENDS..

LYING has 5, but so does TRUTH..

HURT has 4, but so does HEAL..

NEGATIVE has 8, but so does POSITIVE. . .

Transform evry -ve energy in2 an aura of positivity..

It's ur perception dat makes d diffrnce in d way u feel..

Good Morning...Have A Great SunDay....
12 years ago
FriendShip is Not how you forget BUT how you forgive,
Not how you listen BUT how you understand,
Not how you see BUT how you feel,
Not how you let go BUT how you hold on !

★Good Morning Mah Little RobinHood★
Have a Great Day...
12 years ago
I can fly in the sky in a egle it is my freedom
12 years ago
Indian not allot.
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