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Laatste login: 16 years ago
Skinner sinds: 17 years ago
Land: ashford
Geslacht: Vrouwelijk
Leeftijd: 39

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i told you so !hahaha!

OwnSkin In-A-Box

Over Mij

im loud lively and bubbly,very blunt and straight talking with a very wide sense of humour!i cant stand people who think there better than others or people who try to be someone there blatently not!hate name-droppers!its so sad! i like to live life to the full and make mistakes!its soooo important to make mistakes because they are what u learn from!i take life one day at a time and spend half of it laughing,laughter is the key to everyones heart-apart from boring old farts!lol!im friendly and sooo approachable!u can never have enough friends!friends make u complete!
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