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Login terakhir: 13 years ago
Skinner sejak: 13 years ago
negara: Jakarta
jenis kelamin: wanita
Umur: 28

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an ordinary girl who lives in planet named Earth, she breathe an oksygen, that's why she had a good plan about green project. She love Justin Bieber like, from her heart and life. She loves all Hollywood stars. She usually eat something delicious and taste so good and must be 100% no pork..(she means halal). She always tryin' to be hardworking girl, and make sure her dreams to be the embassy in USA or Europe, singer, song writer, see Ka'bah, and meet Hollywood stars come true, sooner or later. I believe, friend can make things more colorfull. She already graduate her junior high school momment from Bakti Mulya 400 Junior High School in a acceleration program and now, she studying at 46 High School, Jakarta. Love-Belieb-BM400/AXL5-TEXAS46/2013-Laugh, xoxo -Dhea-

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